
Sales Invoice

It’s always important to maintain the sales invoice of every transaction.

Keep sales record through sales invoices

A sales invoice is an accounting A sales invoice is an accounting write down that records a business transaction.

Sales invoices serve the business Sales invoices serve the business with a document of the services or product they’ve provided to a customer, when the sale was made and how much money the customer owes the business.

Basically, a sales invoice will comprise Basically, a sales invoice will comprise a description of the sale made, the amount owed and the time for payment.

Sales invoices are important to small-business Sales invoices are important to small-business accounting as they enable the house to record all transactions of sales for bookkeeping purposes.


Zomu is a mobile application widely used by the retailers for billing and marketing purposes. Zomu converts the existing available infrastructures into a powerful POS billing systems for Computerised GST billing, Sales Invoice, and many more.


With all the sales reports in hand Zomu offers an exclusive feature of wireless printing of the necessary vouchers. One can easily manage the customers and communicating with clients through Zomu is just a click away.


Zomu is an extremely user friendly app as it can be operated from mobile , no need of computer for billing and stock maintenance.


Zomu is a very cost effective solution for business and it needs no upfront investment. With Zomu there is no worry of crashing and taking backup of the data as it is a cloud based app.

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