
Customer Manage

Deal with the requirements of the customers with ease.

Effortlessly Manage Customers

In a retail business you deal with customers In a retail business you deal with customers directly so it's essential to approach them in a proper way and to keep in account every minute details about them.

In this way you can have loyal customers In this way you can have loyal customers as well as more number of buyers.

Managing customers is a hectic task Managing customers is a hectic task for shop owners. With Zomu managing customers is no more a headache.

Once a customer entry is done Once a customer entry is done it will be retained in the system. This customer entry can be done from several points with a mobile number.


The shop owner may do the entry while a purchase or a customer may register himself/herself on Zomu. Once entered this data is visible to the customer from the customer panel.


if that particular customer has registered in Zomu and the shop owners registered with Zomu. Now no more customers will be forgotten or lost.


This helps us to keep track of each customer’s purchase separately. Through it sellers can have an idea of the needs of the customers and also about the choices of brands and products.


This will help sellers to manage their stock and hence grow their business. This way they will also have a list of potential customers which can later be their leads.

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