
Planning for firing up your business after COVID crisis

29 October, 2020

Along with the severe health and humanitarian crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, executives around the world face enormous business challenges: the collapse of customer demand, significant regulatory modifications, supply chain interruptions, unemployment, economic recession, and increased uncertainty. And just like the health and humanitarian sides of the crisis, the business side needs ways to recover. unplanned responses won’t work; organizations must lay the groundwork for his or her recoveries now.

We hear of the many firms that are questioning their viability post-pandemic, including those within the travel, hospitality, and events industries. We also hear of firms accelerating their growth because their value propositions are in high demand; consider headquarters equipment, internet-enabled communication and collaboration tools, and residential delivery services. Due to such factors, firms will differ in their resilience. you ought to take steps now to map your probable position when the pandemic eases.


What’s the plan for bouncing back?

A plan may be a course of action pointing to the position you hope to achieve. It should explicate what you would like to try today to realize your objectives tomorrow. Within the current context, the question is what you want to do to urge through the crisis and return to business when it ends.

The lack of an idea only exacerbates disorientation in an already confusing situation. When drawing up the steps you plan to require, think broadly and deeply, and take an extended view.


How will your culture and identity change?

Perspective means the way a corporation sees the planet and itself. altogether likelihood, your culture and identity will change as a result of the pandemic. A crisis can bring people together and facilitate a collective spirit of endurance — but it also can push people apart, with individuals distrusting each other and predominantly taking care of themselves. It’s crucial to think about how your perspective might evolve. How prepared was your organization culturally to affect the crisis? Will the continued situation bring your employees together or drive them apart? Will they see the organization differently when this is often over? Your answers will inform what you’ll achieve when the pandemic ends.


What new projects does one get to launch, run and coordinate?

Your answers to the questions above should point you to a group of projects for tackling your coronavirus-related problems. The challenge is to prioritize and coordinate initiatives which will future-proof the organization. watch out for starting numerous projects that each one depends upon equivalent critical resources, which could be specific individuals, like top managers, or specific departments, like IT. With too many new initiatives, you’ll find yourself with a war over resources that delays or derails your strategic response.


How prepared are you to execute your plans and projects?

Finally, you would like to assess your organization’s preparedness. Are you ready and ready to accomplish the projects you’ve outlined, particularly if much of your organization has shifted to remote work? We see big differences in preparedness at the individual, team, organization, and national levels. The resources at hand, alongside the speed and quality of decision-making processes, vary greatly, and therefore the differences will determine who achieves and who falls in need of success.

We have created a worksheet round the five strategic questions. It can assist you to plot your current and future moves. remember that buyers will remember how you reacted during the crisis. Raising prices during a shortage, for instance, could have a big effect on your customer relationships going forward.


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