5 Financial Books you must read

31 August, 2020

Financial intelligence is probably the most valuable asset we have at our disposal. With it, we can formulate strategies to help us save more money, make more money, get more out of the money. Therefore finding ways to increase our financial intelligence is incredibly important to getting a better financial future.

Here are the finest 5 Financial Books that we will recommend to read our viewers.

  1. Money Master the Game:

        Author:  Tony Robbins

This book summary explains exactly how you can turn a small nest egg into a mountain of cash that will let you live your life exactly how you want to. If you invest your money in the right places, then financial security will follow. And if you’re smart about it, you may never need to work ever again!

Key Ideas:

#1: Compounding can ensure that your money keeps growing year after year.

#2: Always put some money into your investment fund each month, even if it’s not a lot.

#3: Don’t fall for investment myths, but do your homework and research the best places for your cash.

#4: Do you have a financial goal? Do you want to just cover basic costs, or live the life of the rich?

#5: The path to financial freedom may be slow at first. But don’t give up; time is on your side.

#6: To make the most of your freedom fund, diversify your investments and keep things balanced.

#7: Take advice from smart investors to guide your path, but be sure to insure yourself against bad times, too.


  1. The Compound Effect: 

      Author: Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect offers another path. Build up momentum, make a plan, slowly change our bad habits into good ones, and tackle our personal limits. From the publisher of Success magazine, The Compound Effect represents a concrete how-to guide for reaching your goals and becoming successful.

Key Ideas:

 #1: Immediate results are less rewarding than steady improvement.

 #2: Transform your life goals into daily habits.

 #3: Create a routine to keep your momentum going.

 #4: Embrace obstacles to accelerate your path to success.


  1. Who Moved My Cheese?:

      Author: Spencer Johnson


      In this story, four characters live in a maze: two mice, named Sniff and Scurry, and two little people, named Hem and Haw. As they travel the maze looking for cheese, it becomes clear that their journey isn’t just to find food – it’s a quest to better understand human nature.

Key ideas:

         #1: Your “cheese” or success in life may be paralyzing you     

         #2: Good situations never last forever, so be prepared!

         #3: Visualizing your goals helps you push through the fear that keeps you from dealing with change.

          #4: Dare to move in a new direction and things will get better.

         #5: Use the lessons you’ve learned from this “cheesy” parable to reach your own goals!


  1. The 4-Hour Workweek:

      Author: Timothy Ferriss 


Do you want to work eight hours a day, five days a week, until you’re 70 and almost too old to enjoy your hard-earned retirement? Or would you rather just work four hours a week, from anywhere in the world, and earn as much in a month as you currently do in a year?

Key ideas:

 #1: For the New Rich, wealth means luxury in the here and now.

 #2: Define your own rules and throw negative beliefs overboard.

 #3: When it comes to true productivity, less is more.

 #4: Save time by going on an information diet and eliminating interruptions.

 #5: Being productive entails self-discipline and controlling your environment.

 #6: Regular office employees can also live the New Rich lifestyle.


  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad:

        Author:  Robert T. Kiyosaki


Humans are so afraid of society’s disapproval, that they allow their lives to be dominated by what other people think. For instance, think of the mantra “Go to school, get good grades, get a good job.” This mantra is as popular as ever, despite the fact that it is an outdated piece of advice built on past values and ideas.

Key ideas:

#1: Ignorant people are very likely to make irrational decisions due to their greed and fear.

#2: Although financial intelligence is vital for our personal and collective prosperity, we receive no formal training.

#3: The building blocks of becoming wealthy are being realistic and focusing on financial self-education.

#4: You need to learn to take risks in order to become wealthy.

#5: Becoming wealthy can take a long time, so you need to keep yourself motivated.

#7: Avoid liabilities that take money out of your pocket and focus on assets that put money in.

#8: The main purpose of your profession is to pay the bills, but only your business can make you rich.